Access Keys:

Victoria Primary School, Ballyhalbert, Newtownards

Remote Learning Information

2nd Oct 2020

In the event that your child is absent from school because they are required to self-isolate, the following work will be provided:

  • homework tasks will continue to be uploaded to Seesaw
  • Mathletics tasks will be set which are relevant to the learning going on in the classroom PLUS your child should be encouraged to take part in LIVE Mathletics daily to increase their speed and maths fluency
  • additional Bug Club tasks will be set 

In the event that the class bubble are not permitted to attend school because they or another member of their bubble have tested positive for Covid 19 OR we enter another lockdown with total school closure, the following work will be provided:

  • 1 short mental maths task per day
  • 1 maths task per day
  • 1 SPaG task per day
  • 1 reading task per day 
  • 1 writing task per day
  • 1 well-being task per day (either PE, art, STEM or mindfulness etc)

If your child receives 1 to 1 support and they are isolating, a more bespoke programme of support will be set up. This may include phone calls with your child’s 1 to 1 support. 

Many thanks

Miss Mawhinney